L’intelligence artificielle fait courir les investisseurs en Europe.


Intelligence Artificielle – Fascinant exposé de Laurent Alexandre devant le Sénat.


How Blockchain works

A fun and simple workflow graph explaining a blockchain transaction, courtesy of Israth Elona.

UK Government Report on Distributed Ledger Technologies.


GDPR Awareness Tool

Useful quick guide on GDPR. 

Orbrys continues to support Queen Mary University Legal Advice Centre (qLegal)

At Orbrys, we believe it is essential to help the community through legal pro bono activities. Since 2014, our Managing Partner Ralph Arrate, supervises graduate students at qLegal, Queen Mary University of London's Legal Advice Centre. qLegal advises local start-ups...

Data Protection / GDPR Presentation at Paris Bar – 30th June 2017

We are pleased to invite those of you based in Paris to a presentation and discussion panel on the European General Data Protection Regulation and comparative legislation in Latin America at the Paris Bar (Maison du Barreau, 2 Rue de Harlay, 75001 Paris, Salle Gaston...


Recent Projects

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Successfully completed UK Public Sector IT Transformation deal.

Orbrys assisted Verizon in the successful negotiations of a major UK public sector IT outsourcing deal worth circa 150,000,000 GBP.

German Global Insurance Company Cybersecurity Services

Orbrys structured and successfully closed a global supply agreement for a variety of cybersecurity services in the insurance industry.

Successfully completed UK Public Sector IT Transformation deal.

Orbrys assisted Verizon in the successful negotiations of a major UK public sector IT outsourcing deal worth circa 150,000,000 GBP.


Argentina’s Judicial Reform: A Farewell to the Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers.

During the week of 22 April 2013, the Argentine Congress, controlled by a Peronist majority responding to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (known as “CFK”), passed a set of laws, after an urgent push from the Executive, whose main effect is to obliterate the...


L’intelligence artificielle fait courir les investisseurs en Europe.


High-dimensional quantum encryption performed in real-world city conditions for first time.

Crucial step toward practical quantum encryption over free-space networks. 

Argentina’s Judicial Reform: A Farewell to the Rule of Law and the Separation of Powers.

During the week of 22 April 2013, the Argentine Congress, controlled by a Peronist majority responding to Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (known as “CFK”), passed a set of laws, after an urgent push from the Executive, whose main effect is to obliterate the...


Data Protection / GDPR Presentation at Paris Bar – 30th June 2017

We are pleased to invite those of you based in Paris to a presentation and discussion panel on the European General Data Protection Regulation and comparative legislation in Latin America at the Paris Bar (Maison du Barreau, 2 Rue de Harlay, 75001 Paris, Salle Gaston...


Creado en 2012, Orbrys es un bufete de abogados con impronta internacional  especializado en un segmento nicho del sector de la Tecnología de la Información, la Propiedad Intelectual y la Economía de Datos, formado por un grupo de abogados avezados, talentosos e imaginativos.

Nuestros profesionales trabajan en inglés, francés, y español, y cuentan con una larga experiencia de asesoramiento en mercados internacionales.

Con presencia en Londres, París y Barcelona, y trabajando activamente en varios otros mercados europeos, Orbrys brinda un asesoramiento jurídico y comercial sofisticado a grandes grupos multinacionales, a medianas empresas especializadas con un nivel de madurez confirmado, y a start-ups innovadoras en el sector de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Biotech.

Orbrys lidera la negociación de contratos internacionales complejos, rondas de inversores de capital riesgo y fusiones-adquisiciones. Orbrys interviene además en asuntos complejos en materia de propiedad intelectual, integrando el ciclo de vida completo de los activos intangibles, desde la idea y su concepción, hasta la fase de comercialización.

Orbrys se implica activamente en todos los aspectos que conciernen a la Economía de Datos, incluyendo la Privacidad, la Confidencialidad, el Robo de Datos, la Ciberseguridad y la colecta y procesamientos de Big Data.

Siemens buys self-driving software specialist Tass.


How Blockchain works

A fun...

Artificial Intelligence Fuels New Global Arms Race
